Help us make a better Bloomington!

Join residents working together to make Bloomington a great place to live and work.

Please consider $25, $50, $100 - to help with operating costs, hold functions and keep you up to date.

What your involvement means.

Residents for a Better Bloomington was formed for all residents who want to bring this city back to the will of the people and not special interests.  We started in January with a small group who felt betrayed by the city management and by the big money and politics brought in to change the way we vote, Ranked-choice voting.  Many residents had no idea this was happening, why or what RCV was.  Since then and while undercover from COVID, our city management and council has been pushing their political agenda on unsuspecting and busy residents in many different areas.  Most of the issues will affect our way of life and our financial survival.  We all have had great pride in Bloomington but our costs are going up, our amenities are being neglected, our safety is declining and our taxes will increase, no thanks to any costs savings during a pandemic.  Small businesses are being hurt and residents are being taught to resent one another by classifying us into groups.  

RFABB Picnic
1st RFABB Picnic

Your monetary donation will be used to sustain this website, newsletter distribution, research to bring you the latest city news from a resident perspective, various social activities, group projects to better parts of this city and mailings on important topics that affect all residents.

To donate you may scan the barcode or click the donate button

But wait! We can't do this alone.  We need you.  Consider what time and talent you may have to bring to RFABB.  Become a member and receive periodic timely information.  We have monthly meetings and various group meetings depending on interest and availability.  WE NEED YOU!

RFABB is a Political Action Committee. Its program activities include community organizing and coalition-building, issue campaigns, referenda, direct lobbying and candidate endorsements.
RFABB will not collect any personally identifiable information, except where you have voluntarily provided it through a contact form.

If you do complete a form, we will use your information solely to get in touch with you or for the purpose listed in the form. We will never sell your name, email address or phone number to outside organizations, but may on rare occasions share your information with trusted allies in the movement to ensure Bloomington is responsive to its residents.