Bloomington School News

Fellow American,

You won’t want to miss this.

If you weren’t able to tune in for our special back to school livestream, don’t worry -- it’s available to rewatch NOW!

Click Now To Watch Live Stream

We believe that to be forewarned is to be forearmed. And that’s exactly why Parents Defending Education (PDE) hosted a very special livestream on August 25, designed to arm YOU as your kids and those in your community head back to school.

Our livestream was full of practical and timely back to school tips and information from the PDE team, including:

Asra Nomani, VP for Strategy & Investigations, provided concrete examples of problematic curriculum and what to look for;
Erika Sanzi, Director of Outreach, discussed specific “red flag words” and the importance of asking your school to define their terms;
Marissa Fallon, Director of Advocacy, gave an overview of the difference between the character education of the past and today’s “social emotional learning”;
Kim Richey, Distinguished Education Fellow, talked about school surveys and how they’re being used to collect information about students, gauge school climate, and develop diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) training; and
Aimee Viana, Distinguished Education Fellow, outlined practical tips for finding key areas of common ground with school administrators, teachers, and others involved in your child’s education.

We also answer specific questions submitted by real parents just like you, such as, “Can parents of school children opt out of ‘woke’ curriculum?” and “How do we keep up with the ever-changing language being used by radical activists?”
You definitely don’t want to miss this. So please CLICK NOW to save the recorded video, and set aside an hour to watch this very important livestream as soon as possible!
Click Now To Watch Live Stream
Fellow American, back to school season offers a renewed opportunity to engage with our school leaders and take back our kids’ education.
And Parents Defending Education is here to support you, inform you, and empower you so you can make this a terrific school year for you and your kids!
Thanks for watching!

Nicole Neily
Parents Defending Education
Support Parents Defending Education
4532 Lee Hwy #119
Arlington VA 22207

Critical Race Theory - aka CRT

Citizens of all races across the country have awakened and are addressing their school boards about the dangers of Marxist critical race theory. Here is a link to a short, eye-opening video of a particularly articulate and rational black father addressing his local school board. Click on the video to turn on the audio if the audio is off:


Outside political activist groups are aggressively promoting their ideologies such as critical race theory, the 1619 Project, comprehensive sex education and gender ideology into our educational institutions all of the way down to the kindergarten level. Realizing the strong public backlash to their misleading and destructive ideologies, activists are now trying to “repackage” their ill-conceived ideologies to make them more palatable to parents, school board members and administrators.

Please be vigilant for these unwelcome risks to our children’s well being and insure that Bloomington Public School’s official policies aggressively protect parents and their children from indoctrination by teaching staff sympathetic to activist causes as is already happening in many other schools in the Twin Cities and across the country.

Beware of Equity Audits Culturally Responsive School Audits - Muhammad Khalifa

Child Protection League has alerted surrounding communities about this nature of the teachings of CRT Leadership by Muhammad Khalifa.  He is currently being entertained in Richfield and was thrown out of Carver County for disrupting the Chaska School System. Check out his materials presented here and formulate your own opinion on whether this teaching is good for Bloomington.

Bloomington is failing its kids

Latest results from the Minnesota Department of Education shows that year over year we are in a decline in the basic three skills needed for the same opportunity for all students: Math, reading & Science.  One doesn't have to stretch their imagination to see what results 2020 will bring with school shut downs during  the pandemic and the struggle of on-line home learning.  These are the percentages of those students in Bloomington who met the prescribed standards by the MDE.

Math  47.6%
Reading 54.2%
Science 40.5%
Math  50.3%
Reading 57.8%
Science 48.0%
Math  53.7%
Reading 59.9%
Science 51.0%

Schools' Misplaced Priorities

Critical race theory (CRT) is the hottest political issue of the day. CRT threatens our entire culture at all levels. It is especially threatening to our local schools, our local government, our news media, our religious freedom and our military. CRT is Marxism at its core. Everybody needs to understand what it is and how to stop it.

Christopher Rufo wrote an excellent description of CRT for Hillsdale College's highly respected Imprimis publication titled "Critical Race Theory: What It Is and How to Fight It".

Critical Race Theory: What It Is and How to Fight It - Imprimis (